Home Congresses InnHealth: Emergency Incident Management in the Hotel

InnHealth: Emergency Incident Management in the Hotel

InnHealth: Emergency Incident Management in the Hotel

“Emergency Incident Management in the Hotel” is the title of an innovative conference being organized for the first time in Greece by the organization IRITEL (International Research Institute for Telemedicine), in collaboration with the medical company HOMED, on February 24, 2024, at the OTE ACADEMY conference center in Maroussi.

The international conference “Emergency Incident Management in Hotels” aims to fill a significant gap in training and preparedness of hotel staff for the prevention and proper management of emergency incidents, most of which are related to human health.

Our health can face minor or major problems at any time, and there is no guarantee that such issues won’t occur during our vacations or on business trips.

Injuries, food poisoning, infections, and unexpected exacerbations of chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and lung diseases are examples of such incidents.

When a traveler faces such a problem, they are always far from their home, their treating doctors, and the healthcare system they are accustomed to. It is our duty to substitute all these in the best possible way, reduce their stress, and ensure they receive the best care possible.

The response must be immediate, accurate, and well-coordinated among all parties involved (hotels, operators, visiting doctors, ambulances, pharmacies, hospitals) to avoid wasting valuable time on futile actions and missing a serious diagnosis, risking the health or life of the patient.

However, prevention is always better than any treatment. Early detection of food intolerance, adherence to hygiene and safety protocols in all areas, proper ventilation settings, appropriate food maintenance, and identification of hazards that may cause accidents are some of the topics the conference will address.

Besides primary prevention, there is also secondary prevention. For example, after an incident of bed bug bites, there are ways to limit the spread of these insects. Another example is tracing the culprit food after a case of food poisoning to prevent further incidents. The topics of the conference will be categorized into the following axes:

  • Accidents.
  • Unexpected exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  • Emerging diseases.
  • Foodborne infections.
  • Bites & stings from insects, mites, and reptiles.
  • Airborne infections.

The health and safety of people who honor us by choosing our country for their vacations is our utmost duty. However, since such incidents cannot be completely prevented, controlling and avoiding adverse impacts on tourism is of great importance.

Speakers will be leading scientists from every field:

  • Christos Athanasiou, Professor of Entomology at the University of Thessaly
  • Evangelos Giamarellos, Professor of Pathology at the University of Athens
  • Georgios Lampros, President of the Greek Pest Control and Rodenticide Association
  • Georgios Boskou, Professor of Food Chemistry at Harokopio University
  • Georgios Panigyrakis, Professor of Marketing at Athens University of Economics and Business
  • Elias Papazisis, President of IRITEL and General Director of HOMED Medical Clinic Read more…

The goal is to provide conference attendees with management tools and strategies for handling such incidents in their entirety, thereby preventing potential negative impacts on the public image of the business.

There will be simultaneous translation from Greek to English.

Participation Cost

HOMED is the main sponsor of the conference, covering all the organizational expenses, and registration is FREE.

However, for social sensitivity reasons, each participant is asked to deposit a symbolic amount of 100 euros to the account of the ELEPAP foundation to support the rehabilitation of Brave Children with Disabilities.

INFORMATION: InnHealth Secretariat:

  • Eleni Nikolaou
  • Areti Poulourini

Contact phone numbers:

• 210 8060098
• 693 2814824 (Ms. Eleni Nikolaou)

Contact email:

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