Αρχική Hotels Free mammography tests for the Sani/Ikos Group female employees by the Hellenic...

Free mammography tests for the Sani/Ikos Group female employees by the Hellenic Cancer Society

October is Breast Cancer Prevention and Awareness Month. In the frame of its “Breast Cancer Awareness and Early Diagnosis Programme“, the Hellenic Cancer Society offers free mammography screening to the women employees of the Sani/Ikos Group, following an invitation by the hospitality group. For this purpose, the Hellenic Cancer Society’s Mobile Mammography Unit will visit the Group’s Sani Resort and Ikos Resorts in Halkidiki from Wednesday 18 to Wednesday 25 October 2023. This initiative is part of the Sani/Ikos Group’s sustainability and corporate social responsibility program, which has as its main pillar the support and protection of its employees, with special care for female employees. Sani/Ikos Group is a leader in sustainable hospitality across the Mediterranean and is a member of the UN Global Compact.

“We are happy that -with the support of our sponsors- our mobile mammography units can visit Greece’s remote areas and workplaces with a large number of female employees. So far, we have carried out more than 100,000 mammograms with the mobile mammography units of the Hellenic Cancer Society, and our goal is to examine as many women as possible who do not have access to diagnostic facilities. Together, we can eliminate breast cancer and we thank Sani/Ikos Group for supporting our work and for protecting the health of its female employees, thus demonstrating its social responsibility. Congratulations to the people of the Group”, stated Evangelos Filopoulos, Chairman of the Hellenic Cancer Society.

 “At Sani/Ikos Group, taking significant action to support public health and promote the well-being of our employees is a priority and a strong commitment. We are proud that -with the support of the Hellenic Cancer Society, which we thank for their prompt response and support- we join women’s fight against the breast cancer epidemic”, said Eleni Andreadis, Sani/Ikos Group ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility Director.

 As part of the Sani/Ikos Group – Hellenic Cancer Society initiative, the mobile mammography unit will be located:

  • on Wednesday 18 October, at the Ikos Oceania hotel, Nea Moudania.
  • on Thursday 19 October, at the Ikos Olivia hotel, Gerakini.
  • on Friday 20, Monday 23, Tuesday 24 & Wednesday 25 October, at Sani Resort, Sani Marina.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting women, with almost 7,500 new cases recorded each year in Greece. Despite this high rate, the disease becomes less and less life threatening, because of the significant advances in medical science – resulting to more effective and more personalized treatments – as well as due to the fact that a growing number of women undergo regular medical check-ups, thus detecting cancer at early stages, when treatments are most effective and can lead to cure.

The best medical test for early breast cancer diagnosis is a mammography. Regular screening via mammography reduces cancer mortality by up to 30%. The screening is short, painless, and with the new medical equipment the radiation dose is extremely low.

In order to undergo a mammography screening, women:

  • Must be aged 40 to 70 years old.
  • Must not have had another mammography in the past 12 months.
  • Have no history of breast cancer, biopsy, or cosmetic breast surgery.
  • Should not be menstruating (3 days before – 5 days after).


For more information visit: cancerhellas.org

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