On Wednesday 07 June 2023, the first official demonstration of the
inspection system using Drones, within the framework of the European
Project 5D-Aerosafe, took place at the Lavrio port facilities.
The representatives of the Consortium of the project, Mr.Bogdos Georgios
(Technical Director of the Consortium and CTO of the company “Future
Intelligence”), Mr. Govas Tasos (President of the company “Greek Water
Airports”) Mr. Manolis Apostolakis (Chief Operating Officer of “Greek
Water Airports “) along with Mr. Philippe Chrobocinski (Airbus Defense and
Space), presented the innovation including its contribution in maximizing
safety in aviation.
Those present at the event had the opportunity to witness a full waterway
inspection using a drone under real conditions. Mr. George Bogdos
described in detail all the steps of the supervisory process of the system
which was designed to ensure the most effective method for inspection of
airports, waterdromes, water fields and radio aids (Navigational Aids). The
introduction of Drones provides a practical yet flexible method, time
savings and cost reduction, considering the coexistence of manned and
unmanned vehicles in the same area and always aiming to optimize the
already high level of safety of these infrastructures.
Mr. Manolis Apostolakis then explained the current operation of
waterairports and the advantages of integration of drones in the daily
inspection processes, while explained the wide range of potential uses of
The Coordinator of the consortium and Airbus Defense and Space
executive of the large systems research and development department,
Mr Philippe Chrobocinski stressed the key role of Drone usage in the
project’s evolution, outlined the advantages and reliability of the system
and pointed out that Eurocontrol, which is involved as a consultant and
observer in the project, can make a positive contribution to the legislative
barriers that still exist in Europe.