Home Culture FULL MOON AUGUST 2022


Ministry of Culture and Sports 

General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage

T H U R S D A Y ,  A U G U S T  11th , 2 0 2 2 





Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Arkadia

Αncient Τheatre 

of Arcadian 


A Musical event entitled “The Nightingales of the East”,
in view of the completion of the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe.
With «Polis ensemble” (with the direction of L. Liavas).
[Collaboration with  the municipality of Tripolis]
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:00. Free Admission

F  U  L  L      M  O  O  N  

F R I D A Y ,  A U G U S T  12th , 2 0 2 2 





Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Drama

Archaeological Museum 

of Drama 

Open for the public with parallel information from an archaeologist, 

from 20.00 to 23.00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Drama

Archaeological Site 

of Kali Vrisi

Open for the public from 20.30 to 24.00, with free admission.
Music event entitled “Like nostalgia in the east I look at my lost homeland”, with the band of Kostas Kraveritis. 

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Drama

Archaeological Site of Platania

Open for the public from 20.30 to 24.00, with free admission.
Astrophysical Observation οf The Full Moon From The Acropolis Of Platania.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Evros

Archaeological Site 

of Zone

 (Municipality of Alexandroupolis)

Concert by Thodoris Voutsikakis with the artistic direction of Lina Nikolakopoulou
(Co-organization with the Region Of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Regional Unit Of Evros)
The event will start at 21:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Evros

Byzantine Museum 

of Didymoteicho

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Evros

Archaeological Museum of Alexandroupolis 

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Evros

Pythion Castle

“The dark scarlet moon above the deep golden river”.
A musical voyage by Panagiota Kontogiannis on the piano.
The event will start at 21:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Kavala – Thasos

Archaeological Museum 

of Philippi

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Kavala – Thasos

Archaeological Museum 

of Thasos

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Kavala – Thasos

Αrchaeological Μuseum 

of  Kavala

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.





Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Cilcis

Archaeological Site 

of Palatiano

Open for the public, without event organized from 19.00 to 23.00, 

with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Cilcis

Europos, Archaeological Site 

Open for the public, without event organized from 19.00 to 23.00, 

with free admission.

Archaeological Museum 

of Thessaloniki

Archaeological Museum 


(Courtyard area)

Entrance to the Museum’s open air exhibitions will be free for the public from 20:00 to 23:00
Music Concert at the courtyard area of the Museum.
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:00.                                                                                                        

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Imathia 

Ancient Theater of Mieza 

Music event “Iphigeneia”  by Christos Koutsidis
Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities

 of Pella

Archaeological Site of  Edessa

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, 

with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Pella

Church of Dormition 

(Old Cathedral of Edessa)

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, 

with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Pella

Archaeological Site of  Pella

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, 

with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Pella

Archaeological Museum 

of  Pella

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, 

with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Thessaloniki region

Macedonian Tomb Makridy Bey at Derveni

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, 

with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Pieria

Ancient Pydna

“Concert with the Full Moon”
by the House of the Pierian Muses.
The event will take place at the Middle Byzantine episcopal complex of Kitros.
In the context of “Olympous Festival 2022”.
The event will start at 21:00. Free Admission

Museum of Byzantine Culture

Museum of Byzantine Culture

The Museum will offer free entrance from 18:00 until 21:00. Subsequently, a music event will take place with the musician, teacher and 

quitar soloist Yannis Andronoglou.
Recital title: “Travelling goes on”: Works by Yannis Andronoglou with references to folklore greek music traditions. The event will be held with the support of the Friends Association of the Museum of Byzantine Culture.
Free Admission
Seats reservation on telephones 2313306421, 2313396422.

Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Thessaloniki


Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.





Ephorate of Antiquities 

of  Kozani

Archaeological Museum of Aiani (Courtyard of the Museum)

“The Moon was Casting Light On to the Road…” Musical Concert Performed By Makis Seviloglou At The Sculpture Courtyard Of The Archaeological Museum Of Aiani At 21:00 hours.

The permantent collection and the current temporary exhibitions of the Archaeological Museum of Aiani will remain open from 20:00 until 24:00 hours, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Kastoria

Tsiatsiapa Mansion

Music Event with Dimitris Mpasis and Manolis Androulidakis in guitar.
Title:” Nacked Songs”
[in collaboration with the municipality of Kastoria]
The Mansion will be open for the public with free entrance from 19.00 to 21.00.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Florina

Hellenistic City of Florina

Μusic event with the group of the Αmynteo Conservatory, entitled “Memories of Uprooting”
[In collaboration with the Municipality of Florina]
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:30. Free Admission





Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Ioannina

Archaeological site of Dodoni – ancient Stadium

Music event with Orpheas Peridis.
In the context of the 6th Dodoni Festival 2022.
Organized by the Municipality of Dodoni and Ephorate of Antiquities of Ioannina
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 24:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities

 of Ioannina

  Arxhaeological site of inner citadel (Its Kale) , of the Castle of Ioannina

Music event with greek music.
Organized by the Municipality of Ioannina and Ephorate of Antiquities of Ioannina
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 24:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Ioannina

  Arxhaeological site of “Pasarona” – Megalo Gardiki , Municipality of Zitsa

Music event at the Acropolis of Gardiki.
Organized by the Municipality of Zitsa
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 24:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Thesprotia

Archaeological Museum of Igoumenitsa

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, 

with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Thesprotia

Archaeological Site of Elea

Music event entitled “Singing in the Moonlight”.
(With the vocal group “Aneresis” and  the Choir of the Cultural Association of the Settlement of National Resistance)
[Collaboration with  the Municipality of Souli]
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Arta

Archaeological Museum 

of Arta

Permanent exhibition of the Museum will be open for the public from 20:00 to 24:00.
A musical event will be held at the Archaeological Museum of Arta.
The event will start at 21:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Preveza

Archaeological Site 

of Nicopolis – Odeum

Perfomance of  the play of Federico García Lorca, “BLOOD WEDDING”.
It is a production of the organization “Friends of Dance and Theater”, with the distinctive title “Terpsichore”.
The event will take place in cooperation and co-funding with the Prefecture of Preveza.
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 24:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities

 of Preveza

Archaeological Site 

of Nekromanteion of Acheronta

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Preveza

Castle of Parga

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.





Ephorate of Antiquities

 of Larissa

Diachronic Museum 

of Larissa

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities

 of Larissa

Castle of Velika

Music Event with free entrance for the public.
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:00.

Ephorate of Antiquities

of Larissa

Archaeological Site of Azoros

Music Event with free entrance for the public.
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:00.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Karditsa

Byzantine Castle of  Fanari

Musical performance entitled: “From Smyrna to Piraeus… A journey on the history of rembetiko from Asia Minor to  mainland Greece”.
The event will start at 21:30 and last untill 23:30. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities of Magnesia

Athanassakion Archaeological 

Museum of Volos

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00,

with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Trikala 

Byzantine Castle of Trikala

Free Entrance for the public, without event organized
Visiting Hours from 8.30 to 15.30 and from 19.00 to 24.00

Ephorate of Antiquities of Trikala 

The arched bridge of Pyli

Music Event with the Music Group of the Municipality of Pyli.
[In collaboration with the Municipality of Pyli.]
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 22:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of 

Palaeoanthropology and 

Speleology, Department of Northern Greece

Documentation and Education Center of Theopetra Cave

Free Entrance to the Documentation and  Education Center  of Theopetra Cave
from 20.00 to 24.00.





Corfu Museum of Asian Art

Corfu Museum of Asian Art

Collonade of Palace of St Michael & St George

“Souls of the Black Sea”: A speech followed by a music and dance performance at the Collonade of the Palace of St Michael and St George from the Corfu Pontian Association where representative dances of Pontian Hellenism will be performed in view of the completion of the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe.
The event will start at 22:00.
Prior to the event, themed tours of the Permanent Collections of the Museum will take place by the staff of the Museum.
The Museum will be open for the public, with free admission from 20:00 to 24:00.

Ephorate of Antiquities of Cephalonia and Ithaca

Archaeological Museum at Sami

The Municipality of Sami Children’s choir and Cephalonian outh Mantolinata, in front of the Archaeological Museum at Sami, which will remain open for the public, with free admission during the music event from 20:30 untill 23:00.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Zakynthos

Zakynthos Museum

Free Entrance for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00.





Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Achaea

Archaeological Museum 

of Patras

Concert by the artistic folk symphony orchestra “εν χορδώ-Theodoros Georgopoulos”, with the participation of children of emigrant Greeks in South Africa.
Opening hours: 21:30.  Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities

 of Achaea

Archaeological site 

of the Roman and Medieval Aqueducts of Patras

The archaeological site will be open for the public from 20:00 to 24:00, 

with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Ilia

Archaeological Site of Olympia

The Site will be open for the public from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Ilia

Museum of the History of the Olympic Games of antiquity

Concert ‘The colors of Elis – In the light of the moon’ in collaboration with the Municipality of Ancient Olympia.
The event will start at 21:30 and last untill 23:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Ilia

Archaeological Site 

of Chlemoutsi Castle

The Site will be open for the public with free admission, from 20.00 to 24.00.
Visitors will have the opportunity to visit the art exhibition based on children’s creations ‘In the colors of the Castle’ in the framework of Interreg – CoHeN programme and the project ‘Consolidation, Restoration & Enhancement Of Hall A3 

Of Chlemoutsi Castle’.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Ilia

Archaeological Museum 

of Ilida

The Museum will be open for the public from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Ilia

Temple of Apollo Epicurius

Musical performance ‘Ancient Instruments – New Music’ in collaboration with the Municipality of Oichalia.
The event will start at 21:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities of Aetoloacarnania and Lefkada

Archaeological site of New Pleuron

Μusical event 

[Co-organization with the Social Sports Center of the Municipality of I.P. Messolonghi].

The event will start at 21:00

Free Admission





Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Boetia

Archaeological Museum 

of Thebes

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Boetia

Archaeological Museum 

of Chaironia

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Euboea 

New Archaeological Museun 

of Chalkis “Arethousa”

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Euboea 

Archaeological Museum 

of Chalkis (El. Venizelou Str.)

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities

 of Euboea 

Fortress of Karababa

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Euboea 

Archaeological Museum 

of Eretria 

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Euboea 

Eretria. Τemple 

of Daphnephoros Apollo

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Euboea 

Eretria. Archaeological site 

of the West Quarter

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Euboea 

Karystos. Bourtzi. 

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Euboea 

Archaeological Museum 

of Karystos

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Euboea 

Archaeological Museum 

of Skyros

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Euboea 

Skyros, Fourka. Temple 

of Apollo

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Euboea 

Archaeological site of Skyros Castle Town

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.


Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Fthiotida and Evrytania

Byzantine Museum of  Fthiotida (Ypati)

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Fthiotida and Evrytania

Archaeological Collection 

of Elateia 

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.


Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Fthiotida and Evrytania

Archaeological Museum 

of Lamia

Μusical event with the orchestra of Mrs. Zoi Papadopoulou.
Open hours: 20:00-2:00 Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Fthiotida and Evrytania

Archaeological Collection 

of Atalanti


Μusical event with the orchestra of Mr. Vangellis Korakakis. “The  catastrophe of Asia Minor and its contribution to the development of the interwar and first postwar songs in Greece”
The event will start at 20:00 and last untill 02:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities

of Fthiotida and Evrytania

Acropolis of Ancient Proerna, N. Monastery


Μusical event with the orchestra of Pantelis Thalassinos.
[Co-organization with the Municipality of Domokos].
The event will start at 20:00 and last untill 02:00 Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities of Phocis

Archaeological Site of Delphi

The Site will be open for the public from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.





Ephorate of Antiquities

 of East Attica

Byzantine Church of St George (Omorphokklesia), Galatsi

Greek Music Concert organized by the Municipality of Galatsi.
The event will start at 21:00.
The monument and the fenced surrounding area will remain open for the public, with free admission from 17:30 to the end of the concert.
From 17:30 to 22:00, visitors will be guided in the monument by an archaologist of the Ephorate. 

Ephorate of Antiquities

of East Attica

Archaeological Site 

of Amphiareio, Kalamos, Oropos

Poetry and Music Evening
The event will start at 20:00 and last untill 24:00. Free Admission

Numismatic Museum

Muses Garden of the Ilion Melathron

A Musical event entitled «Σμύρνη, ξανά γεννήτρες είναι οι Μοίρες (χτυπήστε Ομήρων Ιωνικών οι λύρες)» in view of the completion of the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe.
The event will start at 21:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and Islands


Archaeological Museum 

of Piraeus


Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.


Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and Islands


Castle of Chora on Kythera


Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, 

with free admission.






Ephorate of Antiquities of Arkadia

Αncient Τheatre of Mantineia

Music event “Music under the Full Moon”: Music from the Italian South, balkan folk polyphony, American Blues, Portuguese fado and rebetiko.

The event will start at 20:30. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Corinth

Temple of Apollo archaeological site, Corinth

Musical event and Dance act.
The Temple of Apollo archaeological site, will be open for the public,  from 20.00 to 24.00 with free admission

Ephorate of Antiquities

 of Messinia

Fortified complex of the Troupakides-Mourtzinoi


Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.





Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Lesbos

Archaeological Site of Thermi in Lesbos 

Music event: Hail Asia Minor!

[By POLIS Ensemble and Maria Papageorgiou].

      The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:00.                                                       

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Lesbos

Archaelogical Site of Sanctuary of Messa in Lesbos

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Chios

Byzantine Museum of Chios                                                    (Mosque of Metzitie)

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Chios

“Giustiniani Palace”
Castle of Chios

Τemporary Excibition:”From Spain to Chios. The pottery of Nea Moni΄s Cinstern”.
Free Entrance for the public, from 20.00 to 24.00.

Ephorate of Antiquities

 of Chios

Ottoman Bath (Hammam)
Chios Castle

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Chios

Tower at Pityos

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Chios

Archaeological Site 

of Emporio, Chios

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Chios

Archaelogical site 

of Archontiki, Psara

Music event.  
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:00.
Free Admission





Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Dodecanese

Archaeological Museum 

of Rhodes (Garden)

“Inspired by the Moon”. Concert for voice, piano, clarinet, solo piano and clarinet. With E.Zaraki (soprano), L.Koula (piano), 

P.Papadimitriou (clarinet).
[Co-organization with DOPΑR (Municipal Organization for Culture and Sports Rhodes].The event will start at 21:30. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Dodecanese

Archaeological Museum 

of Rhodes
(Epigraphic Collection, Prehistoric Collection and Villaragut Mansion)

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities

 of Dodecanese

Archaeological Museum 

of Kos

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Dodecanese

Roman Odeion of Kos

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Dodecanese

Archaeological Museum 

of Kalymnos

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Dodecanese

Archaeological Museum 

of Karpathos

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Dodecanese

Archaeological Museum

 of Leros

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Dodecanese

Archaeological Museum 

of Nisyros

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Dodecanese

Archaeological Museum 

of Kastellorizo

Open for the public, without event organized from 20.00 to 24.00, with free admission.

General Directorate for the Restoration, Museums and Technical Works:
Service of Modern 

Monuments and Technical Works of Dodecanese

Archaelogical site of the Neoclassical School in Rhodes 


Presentation Of The Worksite “Restoration Of The Neoclassical School Of The Medieval Town of Rhodes and Enhancement of the Environmental Archeological Site” and video showing “Rhodes 1856. The Destructive Explosion that Created a School”.
The event will start at 20:00 and last untill 24:00.
Free Admission





Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Chania

Archaeological Site of Rocca, 


Giortes Rokkas  2022: “Lighting up tomorrow”. Concert by Evanthia Reboutsika under the Full Moon.
The event will start at 20:30 and last untill 23:30. Free Admission


Ephorate of Antiquities

 of Heraklion


The Minor of the Dawn (tribute to Vassilis Tsitsanis).
Music event in collaboration with the Network of Cultural Associations of Messara
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:00. Free Admission


Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Heraklion


Jazz music night dedicated to Costas Kouvidis
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 24:00. Free Admission

Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Heraklion


“Concert Tribute to Iakovos Kampanellis”
(Kostas Makedonas).
[Co-organization with the Municipality of Hersonissos].
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:30. Free Admission


Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Rethymno

Late Minoan Cemetery of 

Armenon/Armeni, Rethymno

A music performance with Piano and two voices
The event will start at 20:30 and last untill 23:00. Free Admission

Archaeological Museum 

of Heraklion

Archaeological Museum 

of Heraklion (Garden)

Video screening of the concert “IONIAN. Love songs in times of  refugees”, for vocal duet, choir and small orchestra,
at the garden of the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion.
Composed by Dimitris Sphakianakis. Performed by Chroes Group.
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 24:00. Free Admission

S A T U R D A Y,  A U G U S T  13th , 2 0 2 2 





General Directorate for the Restoration, 

Museums and Technical Works:
Service of Modern Monuments and Technical Works of Thessaly and Central 

Region of Stereas Elladas

Ano Kerasia Historical Site

Music concert in commemoration of the 100 years since the Asia Minor Catastrophe.
[In collaboration with the Rigas Feraios Municipality and the Cultural Association of Kerasia] 
The event will take place at the surrounding area of ​​the ruins of the Old Elementary School (so-called Tsairi).
Free entry.
The event will start at 20:00 and last untill 24:00.

F R I D A Y ,  A U G U S T  19th , 2 0 2 2 






Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Heraklion




“The bells will ring”: Concert in co-organization with the Municipality of Hersonissos
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:30. Free Admission


S A T U R D A Y,  A U G U S T  20th , 2 0 2 2 





Ephorate of Antiquities

of Heraklion


“Persians” by Aeschylus, theatrical performance.
[Co-organization with the Municipality of Hersonissos]
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 23:30. Free Admission

S A T U R D A Y,  A U G U S T  27th , 2 0 2 2 





Ephorate of Antiquities 

of Euboea 

New Archaeological Museun of Chalkis “Arethousa”

Music event in the courtyard of the Μuseum.
The event will start at 21:00 and last untill 22:30. Free Admission


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