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National Park Service Announces Nearly $23 million in Historic Preservation Grants to States

USA National Park ServiceNational Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis today announced $22.9 million in historic preservation grants. The grants will enable states and territories to preserve and protect our nation’s historic sites utilizing revenues from federal oil leases on the Outer Continental Shelf.

“Historic preservation funding around the country helps sustain and revitalize communities,” said Director Jarvis.  “The National Park Service is pleased to administer these grant programs that help states and territories to tell the stories of their people and places by promoting heritage tourism, preserving state and local historic sites, and providing a boost local economies.”

State officials may use the grants to fund a broad range of preservation projects, such as survey and inventory of historic properties, National Register of Historic Places nominations, preservation education, architectural planning, historic structures reports, community preservation planning, and bricks-and-mortar repair to buildings.

The Historic Preservation Fund is supported by revenue from federal oil leases on the Outer Continental Shelf. The National Park Service administers the fund and uses the majority of appropriated funds to distribute matching grants to State and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers.  The funds were appropriated under the Continuing Resolution enacted as Public Law 112-175, making appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013 for the period through March 27, 2013.