Αρχική Tourism Has the visa situation changed? ETOA launches new short survey to find...

Has the visa situation changed? ETOA launches new short survey to find out

etoaIn 2010 ETOA ran an extensive survey on Schengen, UK and Ireland visa processing in origin markets across the globe. Our contention was that official approval statistics overlooked loss of business and did not reflect how the visa process acts as a deterrent when visitors are choosing a destination. The survey also looked in depth at which structural factors were most problematic, in order to help the authorities in their stated aim to improve and streamline the process where possible.

Since the results of the survey were published, we have held several consultation meetings with the European Commission, the UK Home Office and Border Agency and the Irish authorities. The 2010 survey was instrumental in gaining recognition among policy makers that both the reality and perception of the visa process can harm the visitor economy. Just a few weeks ago at our European Tourism Summit in Lucerne we brought together for the first time senior figures from both the Schengen and UK authorities.

Now is the time, two years on from our initial findings, to update the visa picture. Today we are launching a short survey looking at the core areas identified in 2010, namely where works, where doesn’t and what remain the most significant obstacles.

We are asking all tour operators and travel agents working in affected markets to take a moment of their time to complete the survey online. Please go to the following link: http://www.consumerdatasurveys.com/etoa

As in 2010, the survey will be administered independently by Consumerdata, Europe’s leading customer service, operational and strategic insight provider.

For any queries regarding either the survey or ETOA’s work on visas please contact Nick Greenfield at ngreenfield@etoa.org.