Home General Naughty octopus forms coalition with dolphin

Naughty octopus forms coalition with dolphin

Naughty octopus forms coalition with dolphinOn 13th June while observing a group of four bottlenose dolphins in front of the island of Kalamos in the Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago, one of the individuals of the group surprised us leaping out of the water with an unexpected guest attached to its belly (right on top of its genital slit!). For a selection of the best shots visit our gallery. Right on the spot we were not sure about what exactly was hanging from the dolphin’s belly; what was our surprise when we examined the photos and discovered that naughty octopus!

After this high leap, presumably executed to get rid of this intrusive octopus, the dolphin continued to swim with the other three members of its group without manifesting any signs of distress for during the rest of the sighting which went on for another two hours.

Source: http://ioniandolphinproject.org by Joan Gonzalvo