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HCMR scientists call to sign a petition against cuts and eventual privatisation of HCMR

HCMR scientists call to sign a petition against cuts and eventual privatisation of HCMRPosted on behalf of HCMR EUR-OCEANS representative:

Dear collegues and friends,

Please read the following, and I wish you agree and take two minutes of your time to SIGN HCMR’s petition. Your support will be highly appreciated:

The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) is one of the most important Greek Research Centres with more than 70 years of history. The Greek Government in the name of applying measures for the reduction of public expenses is planning to immediately suppress the annual state funding of HCMR by 30%, and finally privatise it. Today, Greece allocates less than 0.6% of its GDP for research compared to the 1.85% EU average. Given that private funding for aquatic research in Greece is extremely limited, even more so nowadays in a suppressed economy, the reduction of state funding will lead to severe destruction of our very active – in the Mediterranean and beyond – multidisciplinary European Centre.

These measures will practically lead marine research in Greece to serious black out for the years to come, in a country that is surrounded by the sea. Experienced scientists and technicians will be driven to unemployment. It would take several decades to recover and rebuild what we have achieved so far, if we do not act now! Having no other ways to protest against this unprecedented decision, we ask you to sign this petition, supporting us to fight the measures that are in the process of their final approval by the Greek State.

Please click on the link below and fill the petition form.


Sorry for cross posting and thank you in advance,

Best regards