Home Hotels Detlef Winter is the new General Manager at the Athens Ledra Marriott.

Detlef Winter is the new General Manager at the Athens Ledra Marriott.

athens ledra marriottDetlef Winter is the new General Manager at the Athens Ledra Marriott.

Mr. Winter is from Germany and has been in the hospitality industry for over thirty years. His extensive and impressive career as a hotelier includes working for 5 star leading hotels across Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa.

Detlef brings to the hotel a wealth of extensive hospitality experience that will surely be a great factor towards the success of his new role as General Manager. His responsibility will be to look after the entire operation of the Athens Ledra Marriott, one of the busiest hotels in Athens, with the goal of bringing the hotel forward in all aspects. He also believes that his role requires being a hands-on manager to become fully aware of everything that is happening inside and outside the hotel, and knowing the needs of his guests as well as of his associates is something he gives importance to.  Detlef  not only plans to maintain the excellent reputation of the Athens Ledra Marriott Hotel, but to bring in more business and further improve guest satisfaction, targetting not only the regional market but to encourage more international guests from the Middle East, Asia and Africa as well.