Home Tourism Horse Riding in Kansas & Oklahoma

Horse Riding in Kansas & Oklahoma

horse ridingRanches, Rodeo Events, Horse Friendly State Parks and Horseback Trails make riding in Kansas & Oklahoma the ride of a lifetime……

These days horseback riding is more of a recreational activity than a work related function. Although a fair quantity of riders also compete in equestrian events and enjoy the thrill of equestrian competition.

Horse riding in Kansas is a treat for horse riders and trail riding fans due to its varied climate, fantastic landscapes and you can ride in 24 Kansas State Parks.  The city of Abilene used to be the end of the Chisholm Trail, where cowboys drove longhorn cattle to market.  Dodge City, is where Wyatt Earp tried to maintain law and order when the city was a wild cattle town.

Oklahoma offers a variety of equestrian services, as well as beautiful riding trails and a wide variety of horse breeds.  The prairies and eastern forests of Oklahoma are an excellent backdrop for horseback riding and anyone interested in horse riding in Oklahoma will be in for a real treat.
There are fifty state parks, six national parks, two national protected grasslands and a network of wildlife preserves and conservation areas.  Large herds of American Bison inhabit the prairie regions.

The Tulsa State Fair is Oklahoma’s premier equestrian event and includes classes for Arabians, the Draft Horse, Paints’, Pintos’, Welsh Ponies, Welsh Cobs and a roundup and riding club day.
Rodeos are popular throughout Oklahoma, and Guymon in the state’s panhandle, hosts one of the largest Rodeo’s in the USA

Read more about horse riding in Kansas & Oklahoma at www.localriding.com/usa.html

For further see: www.TravelKs.com www.TravelOk.com