Αρχική Exhibitions Documentaries promote international understanding

Documentaries promote international understanding

ITB Berlin 2011International Delphic Council announces new short film competition – focus on a country’s cultural achievements – big closing event at ITB Berlin to present best films with awards

A new opportunity for documentary makers beckons: the International Delphic Council (IDC) is inviting candidates to compete for the Delphic Art Movie Award (DAMA) 2011 which it is hosting for the first time. In cooperation with ITB Berlin, the world’s leading travel trade show, the IDC’s aim in extending this invitation is to promote cultural and artistic dialogue across borders. This underpins the collaboration between the IDC and ITB Berlin, who together already staged the Festival of the Delphic Games, the big closing event at this year’s ITB Berlin.

The focus of this new short film competition is on examining topics that highlight cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. The purpose of the short films (maximum duration ten minutes) is to dwell on fundamental artistic issues and a country’s national identity, and to help a wider audience enjoy the fascination of art. The nominated entries will be screened at the IDC stand in Hall 20 at ITB Berlin from 9 to 13 March 2011, and probably also in the ITB Cinema. The winners will be presented with their awards at the big closing event of ITB Berlin on 13 March 2011.

The deadline for registering for the Delphic Art Movie Award is 31 January 2011. Entries on a DVD must be handed in by 20 February 2011. No participation fees will be charged. Everyone including professional filmmakers and students may take part.

Filmmakers and culturally interested readers can find additional information at www.delphic.org/art-movie-award or at www.delphic-art-movie-award.com.