Αρχική Hotels Argentikon Luxury Suites a Hidden Jewel!

Argentikon Luxury Suites a Hidden Jewel!

Argentikon Luxury Suites a Hidden Jewel!“Argentikon Luxury Suites, the 5* – All Suites Boutique Hotel at Chios, Greece is honoured to receive the ´´Diplome de Merite et de Prestige National’’ award for its Tourism and Gastronomy services” said the manager of Argentikon, Mr. Fokas.

This distinction is legislated by the ´´Comite de France’’ of the ´´Le journal du Parlement’’ the official French Parliament press and is awarded to establishments of exceptional accommodation services and fine gastronomy.

The appraisal took place during a discreet visit of guests who experienced the Argentikon’s facilities themselves.

Mr. Fokas added, “We are very proud to receive this award which acknowledges that our continuous effort in providing exceptional service is recognized and valued by our distinguished guests!”