Αρχική legacy Seventh International Tourism Forum for Parliamentarians and Local Authorities to Debate the...

Seventh International Tourism Forum for Parliamentarians and Local Authorities to Debate the Role of Public Sector in Tourism Policy

UNWTOThe global economic crisis has opened up important opportunities for the tourism sector, but capitalizing on these requires a better understanding of the various governance roles within national tourism policy and decision making. This will be the main topic of debate among the Ministers of Tourism, parliamentarians, local authorities and representatives of the private sector meeting at the upcoming Seventh Forum for Parliamentarians and Local Authorities (16-18 November, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico).Given the horizontal nature of the tourism sector, all public policies have a significant impact on tourism activity, yet this is often not taken into account by legislators when it comes to decision-making. The Forum will debate current challenges facing tourism governance, in particular the need for increased cooperation across various ministries and players at the national, regional and local levels.

This year’s Forum will be chiefly focused on major issues currently facing the sector, exploring the lessons learned from the recent economic crisis and demonstrating how, with strong national public policies on tourism and a cohesive private sector, tourism can be instrumental in economic growth, job creation and sustainable development.

The Forum will enable parliamentarians and local authorities to better define their role in the promotion and development of tourism and to identify the instruments that should be put into place in order to encourage partnership. Strengthened public-private partnerships are key to boosting tourism’s contribution to preserving and creating jobs, stimulating sustained and green economic growth and addressing the poverty challenge.  A session of the Forum will be specifically dedicated to the respective roles of public and private sectors in terms of what should be provided by governments and legislators, and what should be expected from business in order to compete efficiently.

The Forum will count on wide representation including Tourism Ministry representatives from the host country Mexico and all regions of the world, as well as delegates from national tourism organizations; parliamentarians and local authorities; representatives from development agencies and UN officials; and members of the tourism private sector.