Αρχική Airlines News Air China: Athens – Shanghai Inauguration flight Announcement

Air China: Athens – Shanghai Inauguration flight Announcement

On 10th January 2023, Air China Athens was happy to have gathered, in a Press Event, with good friends and team from AIA, on the occasion of our Inauguration flight from Shanghai at 22nd December 2022.

With this addition, Air China has successfully established two direct flights from Athens to, two most important capitals in China, Beijing in the North and Shanghai in the South.

General Manager of Air China Mr Fan Heyun during his speech has highlighted the following:


“I strongly believe that these golden triangle routes will facilitate and promote the travel demand of trade, cultural exchanges, sightseeing, and visiting friends and relatives between our two countries. 

2022, the year we just bade farewell, marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Greece, and this year, 2023 will be the conclusion year of the “China-Greece Culture and Tourism Year”. Under the impetus of these great occasions, Air China will actively promote and initiate the new prospect of cultural and tourism exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.

Definitely, we’ll see more Chinese travelers here in Greece, and more Greek travelers in China.

Let’s hope for the best. “


More specifically our passengers can expect

-Every Wednesday, flight CA864, from Athens to Beijing, at 2115 -1255+1

-Every Thursday, flight CA854, from Athens to Shanghai (Pudong airport), at 2115   1405+1