Αρχική Exhibitions Early Milestone reached for New Deal Europe

Early Milestone reached for New Deal Europe

Early Milestone reached for New Deal Europe

New Deal Europe, the only trade fair focused on the Balkans and South East Europe, has reached the milestone of 100 registered buyers, six weeks before the virtual event takes place on 12th April.

Director and co-founder Robert Dee said, “We are overwhelmed with the response to our second marketplace event. We reached 100 buyers in record time, and are receiving around 10 new applications per day from tour operators and agents around the World. So far we have buyers from 20 countries, including from as far away as New Zealand, and many who are attending for the first time. The largest number is still from the UK”

“Next year we look forward to hosting our event live in London with a focus on the UK outbound market” added Tine Murn the other co-founder of New Deal Europe, “but for now the virtual nature of trade fairs gives us a great opportunity to present the Balkans on a world stage. We have exhibitors from all Balkan countries and we are delighted to be part of the tourism restart in this exciting region. All eyes are on here, following Romania’s announcement to allow tourists to visit without quarantine and a covid test if they have had the vaccine, and it looks like Greece might take similar steps. The off the beaten track and sustainable tourism offerings in the region are world leading, and it is definitely an area to watch once travelling restarts.”

New Deal Europe is the only travel market platform dedicated to generating business to the Greater Balkan region of Europe. To apply to New Deal Europe Marketplace and Forum, 12 April 2021 visit www.newdealeurope.com.