Αρχική News in English WORLD TOURISM DAY 2015 – 1 Billion Tourists 1 Billion Opportunities

WORLD TOURISM DAY 2015 – 1 Billion Tourists 1 Billion Opportunities

Statement by the President of the Cyprus Hotel Association,
Mr Haris Loizides, on the occasion of World Tourism Day

πασυξε 36ο συνεδριο“This year World Tourism Day is dedicated to the important contribution of tourism to local community development as well as to cultivating a mutual understanding that helps safeguard our shared natural and cultural heritage worldwide.
This year’s celebrations themed “1 billion Tourists 1 Billion Opportunities” aim to inform and raise awareness among the international community about the vital role of tourism in the development of local communities and in creating a better world. Another important contribution of the tourism industry is the enrichment of intercultural dialogue which promotes cultural diversity and shared beliefs.

Tourism has become a definitive factor of social and economic growth and consequently, a vital part of international commerce. As the statement made by the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) notes, every time we travel, for whatever reason, we are part of a global movement; a movement that has the power to drive positive changes in the economy and in the quality of life of local communities. Moreover, through the energizing of the key production forces, tourism creates new jobs and is conducive in building sustainable societies and growth.

For many years, the tourism and hotel industry has been one of the most important sectors in Cyprus and a key pillar of growth and development. The sea, climate, cultural heritage and natural landscape are some of the comparative advantages that have made our country one of Europe’s main tourist destinations. Also contributing to establishing the island as a popular and attractive destination however, are the tourist facilities and infrastructure that are continually being upgraded with the collaboration of the private sector stakeholders and the government.

On the occasion of World Tourism Day, I would like to emphasise the important contribution the hotel and tourism industry had and continues to make for the economic and social growth by creating new jobs and generating income.

The economic crisis that hit the Cyprus economy has proved the capabilities and the resilience of our tourism industry. Therefore, and despite the crisis, our tourist arrivals have recorded a remarkable increase from both new and traditional markets which latter have remained stagnant for many years. Unfortunately, the economic crisis continues to affect our tourism revenues, which show an opposite mismatch as a result of the fierce competition and the differentiation in the mix of the countries of origin of our tourists.

However we are optimistic that with in-depth study of the new trends and with the necessary changes in public administration and in our mentality, Cyprus can attract quality tourism, further contributing in the socioeconomic recovery that will propel the country to sustainable growth”.

This year will mark the 36th year since the proclamation of World Tourism Day. The purpose of World Tourism Day, which is celebrated on the 27th of September every year, is to foster awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value. The event seeks to highlight the contribution the tourism sector can make in reaching these goals.