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Business Travelers Interested in Mobile Services From Hotels

Business Travelers Interested in Mobile Services From HotelsChecking in or out via a mobile device tops the list of desired services

Mobile devices, with their flexibility and convenience, have the potential to streamline a number of facets of business travel, such as bookings, itineraries and expenses. But a June 2012 survey of smartphone-owning US business travelers by software provider Smith Micro found that they also had an appetite for a number of post-check-in hotel services provided via mobile.

Fully 79% of business travelers said they would avail themselves of check-in and checkout services offered on mobile. That does not mean hotels should abandon personal service. Mobile self-service channels should complement, rather than replace, existing service, or else hotels risk annoying customers seeking a human interaction.

The research also found sizeable majorities of business travelers who would take advantage of discounts or other deals received via mobile, as well as guest and business services offered on mobile.

When it came to services currently used by business travelers, almost all (95%) were using high-speed internet. And half said they were using a hotel’s business services.

Source: http://www.emarketer.com
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