Home Congresses EFAPCO’s First Woman President Elected

EFAPCO’s First Woman President Elected

Luisa Ahrens Teixeira, managing director of the award-winning Portuguese PCO organization, Mundiconvenius, and a leading member of APECATE has been elected as the Federation’s first woman President.

“It is with a great sense of responsibility and some temerity that I have accepted the role which I know will be a massive task. I hope vigour and determination will help me to drive forward the EFAPCO mandate,” Luisa said.

“Previous Presidents, Zacharias Kaplanidis from Greece, Julio Abreu from Spain and Nicolas Le Brun from Belgium, will be tough acts to follow. They all deserve praise and appreciation for the work they undertook  with great enthusiasm.

“Due in particular to Nicolas Le Brun’s efforts, EFAPCO has cemented in the foundations of his primary aim which was to see the Federation recognized as a strong, united voice speaking on behalf of the European Meetings Industry.

“Further engagement with the European Commission and lobbying for professional recognition of PCOs remain top priorities.

“We are also actively promoting the formation of professional associations in each European country which is not yet part of our 13-state network. Extending EFAPCO’s reach strengthens our voice, not just within the EU but also with organisations like JMIC and with sister associations in other parts of the world.”

Luisa’s Agenda also includes:
Modernisation of EFAPCO’s institutional image.
Improving external and internal communication taking full advantage of virtual technologies.
Renewing the EFAPCO Website and promotional materials.
Further developing the communications network for all Federation members as a powerful platform for the exchange of business, knowledge and contacts.
And developing more partnerships with fellow associations and institutions.

EFAPCO’s new Bureau for the next two years was also elected at the Federation’s Board Meeting:
Vice-President: Piotr Wilczek, PCCA Poland
Vice-President: Daniela Serrati, Federcongressi, Italy
Secretary General: Sissi Lignou, HAPCO, Greece
Treasurer: Katalin Matray, MARESZ

Nicolas Le Brun has also been appointed as Honorary President.


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