Home Exhibitions ITB Berlin 2012: New ITB Buyers’ Circle

ITB Berlin 2012: New ITB Buyers’ Circle

ITBWorld’s largest travel trade show features new attraction for leading industry buyers – valuable services and latest information – applications invited online as of now

An exclusive Buyers’ Circle will soon ease the workload of the tourism industry’s leading buyers at ITB Berlin. As of now, buyers involved in the operations of small and medium-sized enterprises and of larger companies from the global travel industry can apply for membership of this circle. The services of the ITB Buyers’ Circle will considerably save buyers’ time and significantly increase their efficiency. The exclusive ITB Buyers’ Circle Lounge with its separate meeting rooms in quiet surroundings offers excellent opportunities for networking at length.

David Ruetz, Head of ITB Berlin, initiated the new circle for tourism industry buyers: “By creating the ITB Buyers’ Circle we are offering leading buyers from the international tourism industry a suitable environment, concentrating valuable resources and thus significantly reducing their workload. Intense networking and obtaining the latest industry information are crucial to a buyer’s success. The ITB Buyers’ Circle is another ideal platform for ensuring a successful visit.“

The ITB Buyers’ Circle targets product managers and active buyers. A decision on membership will be taken after application forms have been submitted and checked. The aim is to reflect the entire spectrum of the industry. More details and application forms are available online at www.itbbuyerscircle.com.

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