Home Organizations New interactive homepage for ETOA

New interactive homepage for ETOA

ETOAThe website features a new design and navigation, enabling members to immediately source operational news, and information on lobbying and regulatory issues.  Visitors to the site now have direct access to register for ETOA’s workshops and seminars; there are also new facilities for members of the media and other interested parties to sign up for bulletins.
“One area where we are really helping our members,” says Adam Buckmaster, Head of Online Strategy at ETOA, “is in the way they can sign up for events or specific information in a few clicks.  Online registration for our growing number of trade events has long been in place but now the process is seamless.”
“Crucially we can use our online presence to listen to our members and quickly respond to the issues that matter to them. For tour operators, taxes and coach restrictions can occur at shockingly short notice and require rapid response; long standing problems such as indirect taxation can also change quickly and are at the forefront of our lobbying work. We can now flash bulletins, open discussion groups and organise press campaigns with real speed.”
The site also features a section enabling delegates to review ETOA events, at www.visitorreview.com/ETOA. Using the Visitor Review social media platform, the site features photos, videos and opinions from events throughout Europe, and gives information about forthcoming events. Developed by Digital Visitor, Visitor Review allows organisations to make the most of social media directly on their websites, gathering from their online visitors reviews, photos, feedback, videos, tips and more.  It is being used by such ETOA members as Virgin Holidays, Voyages Jules Verne, EnjoyEngland and VisitBritain.

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