Home Companies Αn Electric Power Production License for “Mediterranean Villages S.A.”

Αn Electric Power Production License for “Mediterranean Villages S.A.”

The listed company on Athens Exchange, “Kiriacoulis Mediterranean Cruises Shipping S.A.” announces that its subsidiary company by 75,91% “Mediterranean Villages S.A.” having its head office in Athens and represented by Mr Stavros Kiriacoulis, has obtained an Electric Power Production License for Photovoltaic Station (P/V) with power capacity of 1,232 MWp which it will be constructed at Aghia Paraskevi in Meligala Municipality at Messinia Prefecture.
This license was granted to “Mediterranean Villages S.A.” by the resolution no.1755/2010 of the Regulatory Authority for Energy which has been formulated according to the L.3851/2010 and the L.3468/2006 and according to the Regulation for Electric Power Production Licenses by using Renewable Energy Sources and via high electricity and heat output co-production (FEK B’ 448/03-04-2007).
This license is in force for 25 years with extension of time capability.
The produced energy will be exclusively disposed at the National Grid System upon signing a contract among the producer and the administrator of the Greek System Electric Power Transmission S.A.

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