Home legacy 71st Skal World Congress Sydney, 7-12 October 2010

71st Skal World Congress Sydney, 7-12 October 2010

71st Skal World Congress Sydney, 7-12, October, 2010The annual Skål World Congress, which includes the General Assembly and Business to Business Workshop, provides a unique opportunity for Skålleagues to meet other members from around the world, make new friends and renew and revitalise old friendships in anatmosphere where the power of friendship can actually be felt. The Business to Business Workshop provides the possibility of “Doing Business among Friends”. It also presents the opportunity, in a very special way, to see parts of the world and special features not seen by the normal traveller. Pre and Post Congress Tours add opportunities to visit new places. The General Assembly of Delegates, which is the supreme body of Skål International, is the business session which takes place during the Congress and deals with its affairs on a worldwide basis. It gives each and every member the opportunity to influence the SkålMovement – an opportunity not to be missed! The sessions of the General Assembly are open to all Skålleagues having paid their annual fees.

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